Timber Branch of Building Division Set Up a Brand-New Production Line for Formwork Refurbishment

Timber Branch of Building Division Set Up a Brand-New Production Line for Formwork Refurbishment

Recently, the Timber Branch of Building Division of CSCEC ME has set up a brand-new production line for formwork refurbishment, which allows refurbishment of the used formwork of different shapes and sizes

The launch of this new production line will solve the problem of storing used formwork and help to reduce the additional expenses for timber waste management. In addition, it can facilitate procurement of quality formwork at an affordable price and speed up the procurement process, which could ensure the continuous operation and timely completion of projects.

The formwork refurbishment line also demonstrates the Company implements CSR by attaching great importance to the concept of environmental protection and sustainable development.

By | 2021-12-28T10:58:50+00:00 July 11th, 2021|News|0 Comments

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