CSCEC ME Held a Dragon Boat Festival Cross-Cultural Integration Activity

CSCEC ME Held a Dragon Boat Festival Cross-Cultural Integration Activity

On June 1st, CSCEC ME held a Dragon Boat Festival cross-cultural integration activity to celebrate the Chinese traditional festival with employees from different countries.

To enrich employees’ life, CSCEC ME held this activity under the theme of “Witness Happiness Book House” and invited an instructor to introduce the cultural practices of Dragon Boat Festival to the audience. The instructor also taught Chinese greetings and partings phrases during the lecture.

After the lecture, the instructor answered questions about the quintessence of traditional Chinese culture and sent participators gifts for Dragon Boat Festival, such as zongzi and salted duck eggs.

During the festivity, Vice President Mr. Zhu Jianchao displayed his calligraphy, brushing Chinese characters “Duan-Wu-An-Kang”, literally meaning “Peace & Health in Dragon Boat Festival”. It reflected the blessings from the staff and the strength of CSCEC’s cross-cultural integration.

By | 2022-10-18T13:50:28+00:00 June 3rd, 2022|Media|0 Comments

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