The groundbreaking ceremony of Dubai Silicon Park Project was inaugurated on 27th February, 2017. His Highness Shaikh Ahmad Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman of Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority unveiled the commemorative plaque and laid the foundation stone of Silicon Park. Madam Li Lingbing, Consul-General of the People’s Republic of China in Dubai, Mr. Yu Tao, President & CEO of CSCEC ME, Mr. Wu Ming, Executive VP of CSCEC ME, Mr. Wu Chunjun, Chairman of CSCEC 6th Bureau, Mr. Wang Weidong, VP of CSCEC 6th Bureau, representatives from Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority and Dar Consultant were present at the ceremony as well.
Mr. Yaser Adil Al Mufti, Executive VP of Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority spoke very highly about the performance of progress. He expressed that it was a wise decision to choose CSCEC ME to be the main contractor (not as the lowest bidder) for the project and he hoped there would be more opportunities to cooperate with CSCEC ME in the future.
Madam Li Lingbing expressed that CSCEC ME is one of the leading Chinese enterprises in the UAE which she had confidence in CSCEC ME to deliver this project successfully.
Mr. Yu Tao extended appreciation to all the external efforts and supports, and he expressed that there would be more cooperation in the coming years between China and the UAE as the 2020 Expo is upcoming and the strategy of “One Belt and One Road” is promoting. CSCEC ME would like to take this opportunity to make more contributions to the construction field.
After the ceremony, the project’s team briefed an introduction to Madam Li Lingbing.